Israels Verbot der UNWRA bedeutet Fortsetzung des Völkermords
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My democratic values pushed me to renounce Israeli citizenship

Interview with Dalia Sarig, Jewish Palestine solidarity activist I am particularly intrigued by your family history, especially the escape fromNazi Vienna and the subsequent rebuilding of your life in Palestine. Could youtell me more about these experiences and how they shaped your identity? tell me more about these experiences and how they shaped your identity? Remarkably still alive today, my grandmother was born in Vienna in 1929, the ...

Francesca Albanese to Deliver an Unexpected Lecture at the University of Vienna

6/12/2024 @ 18:30
⁨📷⁩ ⁨We are excited to invite you to our second Open Talk on Friday, 6th of December (06.12.24) with Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, who will be joining us in person at the University of Vienna this time. Francesca Albanese (UNSR) will present her latest report titled "Genocide as Colonial Erasure" published in October 2024. In light of this report, we will discuss the following ...

Swift Terror—How the Intelligence and Political establishment exploited an Islamic Terror Hoax

[Igor Böhm via] Austria: Taylor Swift Eras Tour cancellation due to alleged terror threat. (©AP, APA) “Intelligence [agencies] are very flawed institutions: they’re highly ideological, they’re fanatic, they’re racist, and as a result the information that comes through them is usually grossly distorted.” — Noam Chomsky 1 In the early morning hours, a day prior to the Taylor Swift opening concert in Vienna, guarded by an ...
Austria: Taylor Swift Eras Tour cancellation due to alleged terror threat. (©AP, APA)

A Letter to Theodor Herzl

The Founder of the Zionist Movement, who died 100 years ago (July 1904)  Dear Dr. Herzl,Allow me to begin with a personal remark: I somehow feel close to your world since my parents came from Germany – they found their way to Palestine thanks to your efforts. Other members of my family were not as impressed by your vision of transforming Palestine into a Jewish state: some stayed in Germany and were killed in the Holocaust; others – indeed ...

Int'l call to action: BP and Socar, stop fuelling genocide!

Summary Energy Embargo for Palestine, Filistin İçin Bin Genç and Global Energy Embargo for Palestine are issuing a call to action to groups around the world to act and apply pressure on the actors complicit in fuelling the Israeli genocide via the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. Israel receives around 30% of its oil from Azerbaijan via the BTC pipeline, which it has been using to power its war machine enacting a genocide in Gaza, that is being ...

DiePresse — Letter to the Editor (f.a.o. Daniel Green)

[Igor Böhm via—DE] Mr. Daniel Green published an article in Die Presse about “the “Gaza List” […], its extremist narratives, and the wider societal implications of unchecked hate,” mirroring standard orthodoxy present in the Austrian political spectrum, welcoming “thoughts and feedback” on the business and employment-focused social media platform LinkedIn. One essential talent, ...

My democratic values pushed me to renounce Israeli citizenship

Interview with Dalia Sarig, Jewish Palestine solidarity activist I am particularly intrigued by your family history, especially the escape fromNazi Vienna and the subsequent rebuilding of your life in Palestine. Could youtell me more about these experiences and how they shaped your identity? tell me more about these experiences and how they shaped your identity? Remarkably still ...

Francesca Albanese to Deliver an Unexpected Lecture at the University of Vienna

Event: 6/12/2024 @ 18:30
⁨📷⁩ ⁨We are excited to invite you to our second Open Talk on Friday, 6th of December (06.12.24) with Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, who will be joining us in person at the University of Vienna this time. Francesca Albanese (UNSR) will present her latest report titled "Genocide as Colonial Erasure" published in October 2024. ...
Austria: Taylor Swift Eras Tour cancellation due to alleged terror threat. (©AP, APA)

Swift Terror—How the Intelligence and Political establishment exploited an Islamic Terror Hoax

[Igor Böhm via] Austria: Taylor Swift Eras Tour cancellation due to alleged terror threat. (©AP, APA) “Intelligence [agencies] are very flawed institutions: they’re highly ideological, they’re fanatic, they’re racist, and as a result the information that comes through them is usually grossly distorted.” — Noam Chomsky 1 In the early morning hours, a day prior to ...

A Letter to Theodor Herzl

The Founder of the Zionist Movement, who died 100 years ago (July 1904)  Dear Dr. Herzl,Allow me to begin with a personal remark: I somehow feel close to your world since my parents came from Germany – they found their way to Palestine thanks to your efforts. Other members of my family were not as impressed by your vision of transforming Palestine into a Jewish state: some stayed in ...

Int'l call to action: BP and Socar, stop fuelling genocide!

Summary Energy Embargo for Palestine, Filistin İçin Bin Genç and Global Energy Embargo for Palestine are issuing a call to action to groups around the world to act and apply pressure on the actors complicit in fuelling the Israeli genocide via the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. Israel receives around 30% of its oil from Azerbaijan via the BTC pipeline, which it has been using to power ...

DiePresse — Letter to the Editor (f.a.o. Daniel Green)

[Igor Böhm via—DE] Mr. Daniel Green published an article in Die Presse about “the “Gaza List” […], its extremist narratives, and the wider societal implications of unchecked hate,” mirroring standard orthodoxy present in the Austrian political spectrum, welcoming “thoughts and feedback” on the business and employment-focused social ...

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